Aptitude - Xul-Extensions suchen und anzeigen.

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sudo aptitude search "?and(?or(?name(xul-ext-*), ?provides(xul-ext-*)), ?recommends(iceweasel))"

p   xul-ext-cacheviewer                                                 - this extenion is GUI Front-end of "about:cache"                              
p   xul-ext-certificatepatrol                                           - Certificate Monitor for Iceweasel/Icedove/Iceape                             
p   xul-ext-downloadstatusbar                                           - Iceweasel/Firefox addon that provides an improved download statusbar         
p   xul-ext-firetray                                                    - system tray extension for Thunderbird/Firefox alike apps                     
p   xul-ext-firexpath                                                   - extension for Firebug to edit, inspect and generate XPath expressions        
p   xul-ext-flashblock                                                  - mozilla extension to block Adobe Flash content                               
p   xul-ext-greasemonkey                                                - extension that enables customization of webpages with user scripts           
p   xul-ext-https-everywhere                                            - extension to force the use of HTTPS on many sites                            
p   xul-ext-noscript                                                    - Javascript/plugins permissions manager for Iceweasel and Iceape              
p   xul-ext-quickproxy                                                  - statusbar button to turn the proxy on and off with a single click.           
p   xul-ext-sage                                                        - Lightweight RSS and Atom feed reader for Iceweasel/Firefox                   
p   xul-ext-scrapbook                                                   - Iceweasel/Firefox extension to save and manage Web pages                     
p   xul-ext-syncplaces                                                  - synchronice Bookmarks and Passwords via WebDAV                               
p   xul-ext-torbutton                                                   - Iceweasel/Firefox extension enabling 1-click toggle of Tor usage

sudo aptitude search "?and(?or(?name(xul-ext-*), ?provides(xul-ext-*)), ?recommends(icedove))"

p   xul-ext-certificatepatrol                                           - Certificate Monitor for Iceweasel/Icedove/Iceape                             
p   xul-ext-firetray                                                    - system tray extension for Thunderbird/Firefox alike apps                     
p   xul-ext-https-everywhere                                            - extension to force the use of HTTPS on many sites